Marketing Consultation

It’s hard to get where you want to be when you don’t know where you’re going. Without a destination or an idea of how to get there, your business is spinning its wheels, and in today’s competitive environment, if you aren’t moving, you aren’t growing.

A marketing consultation delivers more than just great ideas; it provides continuous opportunities for your business to evolve in real-time, keeping pace with the kinds of creative ideas necessary to get to the top.

Arrow helps you develop agile, innovative business strategies to meet short- and long-term goals that are well-defined, achievable, and focused on building your bottom line. From the initial consultation and timeline development to implementation, tracking, and ongoing support, we’re here to meet the needs of your business now and for the future. We know what metrics to measure to keep your business moving forward, and we know how to use them to make meaningful adjustments. Our in-depth research and analysis of factors affecting your business mean you remain successful no matter what else is going on in the economic environment around you.

Running a business is hard, but growing a business can be even harder. At Arrow, we pay attention to the details you don’t have time to see, closing loops and filling in gaps to optimize your ROI, increase sales, and improve customer relations. What’s more, we’re always thinking ahead so your business can stay in motion, expanding into new markets and attracting new customers without leaving anything behind.

Realize Better Results with a Retainer Contract

Effective marketing means getting the most out of every dollar, and nothing gets more out of your money than an established relationship with a reputable partner. Retainer contracts are a way of investing in your business so that your advertising strategy can evolve with maximum efficiency, and hiring an agency can be nearly 50% more cost-efficient than onboarding an in-house employee or team.

These days, marketing consultants seem to be a dime a dozen, with the majority delivering cookie-cutter solutions, ineffective strategies, and opaque reporting full of technical jargon. While their pay-as-you-go model may look attractive in the short-term, bouncing around among agencies for one-off projects with the cheapest price could end up costing your business big time in revenue, quality, and consistency, all of which eventually trickle down to your customers.

A retainer contract with a seasoned agency like Arrow Marketing, however, gives your business the freedom to evolve without limitations, thanks to benefits like:

  • Lower hourly rates and the option to amortize short-term marketing campaigns
  • Proactive planning and strategy analysis
  • Greater responsiveness, quicker service, and faster turnaround times
  • Consistent work and pricing
  • Services and project scopes that can be customized and tailored to your changing needs
  • Predictable expenses and budget planning
  • Regular in-depth reporting on the metrics that matter to you
  • Cohesive strategies for comprehensive campaigns

At Arrow Marketing, our retainer packages deliver the predictability, reliability, and flexibility you deserve without compromising on time or quality. They’re essentially a promise to you that you’ll receive the continuous support and expertise necessary to help your business grow and adapt with a constantly changing environment.

In addition to our award-winning customer service, here’s just some of what we can include in our marketing retainer packages, depending on your needs:

  • Media buying (with savings passed on to client)
  • Vendor management
  • Monthly reporting
  • Public relations
  • Brand strategy and consulting
  • Email and SMS marketing
  • Influencer marketing
  • Reputation management
  • Customer retention strategies
  • Sponsorships and contest management
  • Event management

As a boutique agency, we can also provide you with something those big companies can’t: a one-on-one relationship. By getting to know you and your business on a personal level, Arrow Marketing gives your brand that little extra touch it needs to take it from average to extraordinary, like hand-written thank you notes, outreach on your behalf, and meeting schedules based on your needs (not ours). 

Our team is here for your immediate needs or short-term goals while remaining focused on your long-term strategic plan, so as our relationship grows, so does our efficiency and your ROI.

Marketing Consultation Services

Branding & Strategy Development

You can’t create a great brand without having a great strategy to promote it. Arrow helps you do both. Whether you want to design something new, refine what you have, or undergo a complete transformation, we help you build a brand with lasting impact. We integrate proven strategies like target audience segmentation, customer journey mapping, and competitive research to make sure your brand is the first and last thing your customers remember when making a purchasing decision.

Analytics Evaluation

Your analytics report says so much about your marketing strategy, but do you know how to decode all that data? Arrow does, and we help you transform those metrics into measurable, meaningful insights to boost current and future performance. Analytics allow you to discover trends in audience behavior; determine online visitor demographics and website traffic patterns; and measure and track conversions, so you know what’s working and what isn’t. We’ll make sure your analytic processes are set up properly from the get-go — ensuring you capture all of the accurate and trustworthy data you need — and show you how to analyze the full spectrum of data across every stage of your marketing funnel, from search to purchase.

Campaign Implementation

A plan is only as good as its execution, and how your marketing campaign is executed can mean the difference between a short-lived sensation and sustained success. To stay productive and effective, your strategy needs a dedicated partner to deploy individual phases, identify potential problems, and implement course corrections. When you’re ready for campaign implementation, Arrow is with you every step of the way, from campaign definition and theme development to targeting, testing, and tracking. We continuously monitor your campaign’s performance using reliable analytics and integrative feedback loops, providing you with the ongoing assessments you need to make good marketing decisions.

Strategic Planning

Good plans produce good results, and Arrow helps design the strategic foundation you need to build your business. Personalized strategic planning allows you to assess your capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses; recognize and address challenges; and define and prioritize goals so you can carry your company into the future with confidence. Our consultants adopt an agile methodology that emphasizes adaptable planning, team building and empowerment, customer-centric engagement, and an iterative goal-setting process that allows your objectives to continue evolving as you do.

Staff Training

Let’s face it: training is tedious and time-consuming, and if there’s anything business owners are short on, it’s time and tolerance. Taking advantage of staff training services helps you take ownership of your marketing strategy and your success. At Arrow, we design your high-level strategy then level up your internal marketing by teaching your employees how to build, execute, and track a custom plan that matures with your business. This, along with access to industry-leading templates, tools, and worksheets, allows you to plan and prepare for both longevity and long-term growth.

Assessment Of Current Marketing Strategy

Is what you’re doing working? The question is simple enough but answering it without the benefit of an outside, unbiased perspective could be harder than you think. For your marketing strategy to grow with your company, it needs constant care and attention. Regular in-depth reviews, assessments, and adjustments help ensure your marketing is meeting the needs of both your company and your customer while making the most of every advertising dollar. When we evaluate your current strategy, we provide the fresh approach you need to identify marketing sticking points, define new goals, and develop strategies and recommendations for improving your reach, responses, and ROI.

Negotiation Of Sports Contracts

When it comes to contracts, trust is paramount and relationships matter. The best strategies and tactics in the business are useless if they can’t be implemented in the context of a genuine partnership. At Arrow, we know the market and we leverage our years of experience in the local and national sports scene to build and maintain a consistent vision for your sponsorship commitment that addresses the challenges, culture, needs, and goals of your Our negotiations have helped save clients millions of dollars by holding agreements accountable; measuring sponsorship performance through benefit valuation, impressions analysis, and market research; and effectively activating partnerships that facilitate high-level, innovative thinking.

Why Arrow


Arrow Marketing & Consulting is one of Oklahoma City’s premier advertising firms, and we know media. It’s where we all started, and we know what it takes to not only survive in the local market but thrive. We’ve grown with the evolution of media and are passionate about helping small, local business owners and entrepreneurs make the most of their advertising budgets.

The connections we’ve built and the relationships we’ve fostered with some of Oklahoma’s largest media and print companies are precisely what you need to get your advertising exactly where you want it at exactly the right time and exactly the right price for maximum media exposure. What’s more, we dedicate the time, attention, and hard work it takes for your marketing strategy to be profitable and productive.

Arrow is a boutique agency focused on only one thing — your success. We pick up the phone, answer the emails, and show up to the meetings, and every project receives the personal attention it deserves from every member of our team.

Call Arrow Marketing & Consulting today and let’s get started building your complete marketing strategy, from traditional to digital and everything in between. You can reach us at 405-213-4268, use our convenient online contact form or email us directly at Let’s get to work.

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